We are committed to handling all complaints quickly, fairly, and openly.
Complaints can be made online, by phone, or in writing. We provide multiple channels to ensure the process is straightforward and free of charge.
Complaints or concerns related to Count, its people or any of its group entities can be submitted to:
Financial advice complaints (Count Financial, GPS Wealth, Paragem and Merit Wealth)
Complaints about any of our Australian Financial Services Licensees (AFSLs) or authorised representatives can be submitted to:
Complaints about privacy or the handling of personal information can be submitted to:
Whistleblower reporting
Whistleblowing reports can be submitted to:
1. Acknowledge
We'll confirm we've received your complaint, generally within one business day.
2. Assess and investigate
We'll look into your complaint and try to resolve it quickly, and if it takes longer than expected, we'll keep you updated and provide a written response.
3. Respond and resolve
We'll work with to resolve the complaint and find a fair outcome.
Some types of complaints can be escalated to an external dispute resolution provider.
Financial Services Complaints
If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint in relation to the provision of financial services by any of our AFSLs or financial advisers, you can lodge a dispute with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). They provide a fair and independent, free complaint resolution service:
Generally, AFCA will expect that you have initially raised your complaint with us directly and attempted to reach a resolution.
Privacy Complaints
If your complaint is about your privacy, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
If you need help to make a complaint, you can use the support options listed below.
Authorising someone to help you
If you need assistance in making a complaint, you may request the help of a family member, friend, or representative. Please note that we will require your permission to speak to this person on your behalf.
TTY number
Type telephone service for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disorder.
SMS relay
Relay service for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disorder.
For more info, visit the National Relay Service. You’ll need to register with the NRS before using their service.
Voice relay number
Voice relay service for people who have a speech disorder.
Interpreter services
If English isn’t your first language, you can access a free interpreter service through Translating and Interpreter Services. This service is provided by the Department of Home Affairs and is available in over 150 languages.
For more detailed information, please refer to our Complaints Management Policy.
OfficeLevel 11, 45 Clarence StreetSydney NSW 2000
PostalGPO Box 1453Sydney NSW 2001
T: (02) 8218 8778
E: [email protected]
The StrandSuite 215, Level 2, 72-80 Marine Parade
Contact Us
[email protected]
1300 667 897
Pivotal PointLevel 350 Marine Parade
PO Box 10839 SOUTHPORT BC QLD 4215
Suite 901, Level 977 Pacific HwyNorth Sydney NSW 2060
PO Box 501North Sydney NSW 2059
1300 360 186
Level 1, 93 George StreetParramatta NSW 2150