

Corporate Governance Statements

30 Aug 2023 Count Corporate Governance Statement 2023
26 Aug 2022 CountPlus Corporate Governance Statement 2022
26 Aug 2021 CountPlus Corporate Governance Statement 2021
28 Aug 2020 Corporate Governance Statement
06 Sep 2019 Corporate Governance Statement


Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Continuous Disclosure Policy
Diversity Policy
Privacy Policy
Risk Management Policy
Securities Trading Policy
Whistleblower Policy


Acquisition Committee Charter
Audit and Risk Committee Charter
Board Charter
Remuneration & Nominations Committee Charter
Technology and Innovation Committee Charter


Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Risk Appetite Statement

Workplace Gender Equality Report

05 Jul 20242023-2024 Gender Equality Reporting
Workforce Management Statistics Table
Workplace Profile Table

02 Aug 2023Certificate of Compliance
29 May 20232022 - 23 Gender Equality Reporting
Workforce Management Statistics Table
Workplace Profile Table

22 Mar 20222021 - 22 Compliance Program
Certificate of Compliance.
Workforce Management Statistics Table
Workplace Profile Table

01 Jul 20212020 - 21 Compliance Program
WorkforceManagementStatisticsTable (Page 1)
Workplace Profile Table (page 2)

06 Jul 20202019-20 Notice of Compliance
2019-20 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality

28 Jun 20192018-19 Notice of Compliance
31 May 20192018-19 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality

14 Sep 20182017-18 Notice of Compliance
08 Jun 20182017-18 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality

03 Jul 20172016-17 Notice of Compliance
31 May 20172016-17 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality

28 Jun 20162015-16 Notice of Compliance
31 May 20162015-16 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality

16 Jul 20152014-15 Notice of Compliance
31 May 20152014-15 Public Report Work Place Gender Equality